
Caroline Long


Caroline Long

Caroline Long is a Senior Civil Engineer with minors in History and Engineering Corporate Practice. She is from Reno, NV but now currently resides in Flaherty Hall. Having been on ELC the past two years as the Director of Graphic Design, Caroline is thrilled to take on the role as Co-President this year with Natalie Volz. This past summer Caroline worked at Ryan Companies in the industrial construction sector as a Project Engineering Intern where she fostered and facilitated subcontractor relations by assisting bid assemblies and project management. Caroline is also involved with Steel Bridge in the American Society of Civil Engineers and is the Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Director for the Society of Women Engineers.

Natalie Volz


Natalie Volz


Catherine Healy

Vice President

Catherine Healy

Vice President
Catherine is a junior Computer Science major with a minor in Engineering Corporate Practice from Rochester, NY. She is also a Grand Challenges Scholar with a focus on bioinformatics. Having served previously on FYEC and ELC, Catherine is excited to plan events for engineering students as vice president of ELC. Outside of class, Catherine is a violinist in the ND Symphony Orchestra, a pianist at Flaherty Hall Mass, a member of EnableND, and an undergraduate researcher in the Tumor Immune Microenvironment and Mechanics laboratory.

Connor MacDonald


Connor MacDonald

Connor is a junior studying Computer Science and Engineering with minors in Engineering Corporate Practice and Accounting from Saint Louis. This past summer, Connor interned at Cypress Natural Resources in Dallas Texas where he rebuilt their website. Additionally, Connor acts as the Head of Corporate Sponsorship and is a member of the Apogee Control Systems (ACS) design team for the Notre Dame Rocketry Team (NDRT). In his free time, Connor is also an avid memeber of the Notre Dame Club Ski Team, competing every spring in Michigan.

Senior Directors

Sarah Kopfer

Director of Sponsorship

Sarah Kopfer

Director of Sponsorship
Sarah is a senior Computer Engineer with a minor in Engineering Corporate Practice from Oconomowoc, WI. She has been involved with the Engineering Leadership Council all four year, spending two as the Senior Director of Sponsorship, one as the Junior Director, and one in the First Year Engineering Council. After graduating in May '25, she will be working in Seattle at BLUE ORIGIN as a Lunar Permanence Aerospace Systems Engineer for lunar landers. She has spend the past summers as an intern with BLUE ORIGIN, IBM, Ford, and Splash Clinical LLC. On campus she spends the majority of her time as the President of IrishSat, Notre Dame's satellite and space systems engineering team. She is additionally Cadence's Global Lead for the Project Hera / FemSat initiative to develop the world's first satellite entirely developed by women. For on campus work, she is an ACES tutor as well as a TA for Computer Architecture. She has been involved with research under Prof. Morisson where she investigated the new architecture of the NASA JPL - Microchip High Performance Space Computer. Sarah lived in Pasquerilla East Hall as a proud Pyro, and is now off campus for her senior year.

Luke Lagunowich

Director of Corporate Relations

Luke Lagunowich

Director of Corporate Relations
Luke Lagunowich is a junior Computer Science and ACMS major. He is originally from Chatham, NJ but resides in Keough Hall on campus. Luke was involved in FYEC as a first-year, and he now serves as the Senior Director of corporate relations. This past summer, Luke worked as a data science intern at Pfizer. He is also involved in academic research in the ACMS department and the Data Club.

Rachel Shankland

Director of Community Outreach

Rachel Shankland

Director of Community Outreach
Rachel is a junior from Batavia, IL studying Chemical Engineering and Energy Studies. On campus, she lives in Farley Hall and is involved with NDEnergy.

Olivia Zino

Director Website Operations

Olivia Zino

Director Website Operations
Olivia is a junior Computer Engineer with minors in Engineering Corporate Practice and Energy Studies from Long Island, New York. Having previously served on FYEC and as supporting chair, she is excited to put her technical skills to use as Director of Website Management. This summer, Olivia will be joining PwC as a Software Engineering Intern in the NYC Products & Technology office. She has the privilege of working in Prof. Jiang's Large Language Model Training Research Lab, as a TA for Intro to AI, and she serves as an university tutor for the Galvin Scholars program. Outside of engineering, Olivia spends her time at SuperSibs, SUB, PEMCo, and as Chair of Cavanaugh Hall's Social Committee.

Andrew Sovinski

Director of Communications

Andrew Sovinski

Director of Communications
Andrew is a senior Electrical Engineering student minoring in Engineering Corporate Practice. Originally from Buffalo, NY, Andrew was a proud resident of Fisher Hall for the past three years prior to moving off-campus this year. He served as Social Committee Chair on First Year Engineering Council and as both Junior Treasurer and Treasurer on ELC in previous years. This year, he will be the Director of Communications. Upon graduation, Andrew will commission as an officer in the U.S. Navy and hopes to service-select submarines. In his free time, Andrew loves running, working out, watching hockey, and having the time of his life with friends and family.

Kristen Kelly

Director of Graphic Design

Kristen Kelly

Director of Graphic Design
Kristen is a junior Electrical Engineer with minors in Engineering Corporate Practice and Theology from New Jersey. Having previously served on FYEC and as Junior Director of Graphic Design, she is excited to put her leadership skills to use as Senior Director of Graphic Design. Kristen has the privilege of being a Grand Challenge Scholar and an undergraduate researcher in Professor Tom O'Sullivan's Biomedical Photonics Laboratory and frequently participates in 18-hour long, overnight engineering competitions on campus called Innovate-o-thons. Outside of engineering, Kristen spends her time at club Ultimate Frisbee practice, various Campus Ministry events, in Lewis Hall working as Retreat Commissioner.

Gabriella Shirtcliff

Director of EID

Gabriella Shirtcliff

Director of EID
Gabriella is junior Chemical Engineering major from Bend, Oregon living in McGlinn Hall. She is excited to serve as the Director of Engineering Industry Night for a second year to lead a meaningful networking and career search experience for our Notre Dame engineers. Gabriella is proud to conduct undergraduate research at the IRIS lab for soft robotics, serve as vice president for local nonprofit Irish for Reproductive Health, and lead design thinking initiatives with local businesses through Design for America. Gabriella is grateful to be a member of the Hesburgh-Yusko Scholar's program, which has supported her summers to volunteer for the Japanese Salvation Army in Tokyo, work with refugees and participate in cultural exchange in the Basque Country, and intern at Procter and Gamble.

Annie Dineen

Director of Transfer Student Program

Annie Dineen

Director of Transfer Student Program
Annie is a senior from Sleepy Hollow, NY and is majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. She transferred to Notre Dame her sophomore year, originally attending SUNY Binghamton in New York state. She is currently serving her second year on the Engineering Leadership Council as the Director of Transfer Students. This year will be her second year as the Culture Editor for the Scholastic, Notre Dame's Student-Run Magazine. Outside of campus she is a volunteer firefighter at her home department in New York.

Bianca Batista

Director of Engineering Club Outreach

Bianca Batista

Director of Engineering Club Outreach
Bianca is a senior studying Chemical Engineering with a minor in Bioengineering from El Paso, TX. She is a previous (and proud) resident of Cavanaugh Hall and now lives off-campus. During her time at Notre Dame she has been afforded the opportunity to lead other engineering clubs like SWE and SOLES, participate in undergraduate research, and be a tutor in the University's Writing Center. This year Bianca will serve a third year on ELC as the Director of Engineering Club Outreach. Outside of school Bianca enjoys reading, is a frequent concert-goer, and loves hanging out in coffee shops.

Ryan Patterson

Director of FYEC

Ryan Patterson

Director of FYEC
Ryan is a sophomore Aerospace Engineer on track to add the Minor in Engineering Corporate Practice. After serving in FYEC for a year, he feels he can provide invaluable knowledge to the next generation of engineers. Ryan is an extremely vibrant and social engineer, and often finds himself taking mentoring roles to encourage others to grow in their own light. In addition to his directorship position in ELC, Ryan also serves as the Safety Officer in Baja SAE and as an SA in the First-Year Engineering program.

Junior Directors

Lauren Starr

Junior Treasurer

Lauren Starr

Junior Treasurer
Lauren is a sophomore Mechanical Engineer with a minor in Engineering Corporate Practice. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, she currently lives in Johnson Family Hall. Before becoming the Junior Treasurer, she was the Publicity Chair for FYEC. In addition to ELC, Lauren is involved in Design, Build, Fly (DBF), the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), and RareND.

Carmen Noe

Junior Director of Sponsorship

Carmen Noe

Junior Director of Sponsorship
Carmen is a sophomore from Loveland, Ohio pursuing a Chemical Engineering major and a supplementary major in Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics. Having worked last year on the Community Outreach Committee of the First-Year Engineering Leadership Council, she is excited to serve as the Junior Director of Sponsorship this year. Carmen is a member of the Sorin Scholars program and the Hesburgh Women of Impact Mentorship Program. Outside of ELC, Carmen participates in Howard Hall government as the Inclusivity & Service Chair, Engineers Without Borders, and Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations. She was also able to study abroad in Berlin this summer and get involved in computational chemical engineering research last semester.

Gray Nocjar

Junior Director of Corporate Relations

Gray Nocjar

Junior Director of Corporate Relations

Isaac Brej

Junior Director of Community Outreach

Isaac Brej

Junior Director of Community Outreach

Riley Carlin

Junior Director of NDCCI Robotics

Riley Carlin

Junior Director of NDCCI Robotics
Riley is a sophomore Electrical Engineer with minors in Engineering Corporate Practice, Chemistry, and Bioengineering from St. Louis, Missouri. This is his first year serving as a member of Engineering Leadership Council. Last summer, Riley volunteered for 6 weeks at a nursing home in Zaragoza, Spain. This summer, Riley will be pursuing a research internship at an unknown location as of now. Outside of engineering, Riley participates in Student International Business Club under the Consulting Division. Additionally, Riley is a part of Notre Dame Club Lacrosse and Bengal Bouts. Inside of Riley's dorm, Fisher, he is involves himself in charity events and interhall sports.

Luke Elmer

Junior Director of Social Media

Luke Elmer

Junior Director of Social Media
Luke is a sophomore Mechanical Engineering student with a minor in Engineering Corporate Practice, and is from Marblehead, Massachusetts. Having served on FYEC last year, he is excited to move into his role in the ELC as the Director of Social Media. Last summer, Luke worked as a Head Lifeguard at a local pool, and next summer will be looking into various engineering internship opportunities. Outside of ELC, Luke is a member of Best Buddies Club here at Notre Dame and is involved in local volunteering through the community of Fisher Hall.

Alyssa Watkins

Junior Director of Engineering Newsletter

Alyssa Watkins

Junior Director of Engineering Newsletter
Alyssa is a sophomore Mechanical Engineer from Denver (and now a proud resident of Walsh Hall) planning minoring in Engineering Corporate Practice. She served as the President of FYEC last year and currently serves as the Director of the Engineering Newsletter for ELC. Alyssa also is a Co-Lead for the Structures & Manufacturing Squad for Design, Build, Fly (DBF), a TA for the First-Year Engineering courses, and a member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).

Erin King

Junior Director of Graphic Design

Erin King

Junior Director of Graphic Design

Sara Werner

Junior Director of Transfer Student Program

Sara Werner

Junior Director of Transfer Student Program


Bronwyn Lewis

E-Week Chair

Bronwyn Lewis

E-Week Chair
Bronwyn is a junior Chemical Engineer with minors in Bioengineering and Theology from Powell, Ohio. She has previously served as Director of Communications for ELC and is super excited to plan a week of appreciation for our engineers. Bronwyn is an undergraduate researcher for the Blagg Lab working on antimalarial drug development and had the privilege of interning for Yendall Hunter in London, UK this summer in engineering consulting. Outside of engineering, Bronwyn is a member of the executive team for Cavanaugh Hall Council.

Kate Drab

E-Week Chair

Kate Drab

E-Week Chair

Molly Marino

Spring Semester Expo Chair

Molly Marino

Spring Semester Expo Chair
Molly is a junior Environmental Engineer with a minor in Energy Studies from Charleston, South Carolina. This year, Molly is the ELC Spring Engineering Expo Chair. Last summer, she studied abroad in the Summer Engineering & Environmental Science Program at Kylemore Abbey and Galway, Ireland. She is currently working on research in the Doudrick Lab under graduate students on a project involving microplastics. She is also involved on campus with the Society of Women Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, and Environmental Engineering Society.

Genevieve Cicchiello

Admit Outreach Chair

Genevieve Cicchiello

Admit Outreach Chair
Genevieve is a sophomore mechanical engineer with a minor in energy studies who serves as the Admit Outreach coordinator in ELC. In the past, she was on the social committee on the First Year Engineering Council. This past summer, she spent eight weeks working at a school for those with disabilities in Chennai, India. Along with Engineering Leaders’ Council, she is a member of the Solar Club, a student assistant on the College of Engineering Dean’s office, a building manager in at LaFortune Student Center. Also, this semester she is beginning the process of a small research project surrounding wind energy. She is very excited to serve as the admit outreach coordinator and learn more about engineering this year!

Andrew VanOverbeke

Social Chair

Andrew VanOverbeke

Social Chair
Andrew is a junior Mechanical Engineering and Peace Studies double-major from near Minneapolis, Minnesota. Andrew is motivated to use his engineering skills to positively impact the world around him. In addition to being the ELC Social Chair, Andrew is an active member of the Notre Dame Marching Band and Brass Band.

Brian Edels

Engineering Formal Chair

Brian Edels

Engineering Formal Chair
Brian is a sophomore Chemical Engineer with a minor in Engineering Corporate Practice from Barrington, Illinois. Having previously served on FYEC as a part of the social committee, he is excited to plan a great event for the engineering community as the Engineering Formal Chair. Last summer, Brian worked as a Math and Computer Programming Instructor for Sylvan Learning and started his own Pressure Washing Business. Outside of ELC, he is involved in Chem-E Car and Bengal Bouts Boxing.

Anna Schillinger

Fundraising Chair

Anna Schillinger

Fundraising Chair
Anna is a sophmore studying Electrical Engineering with minors in Engineering Coroporate Practice and Energy Studies. She is from Phoenix, Arizona and is excited to plan some fun fundraising events! She loves being involved with Notre Dame engineering clubs and she is researching in Dr. Hall's holography lab. Outside of academics, Anna spends her time playing ultimate frisbee, running, and reading.

Joshua Johnson

Supporting Chair

Joshua Johnson

Supporting Chair

Julian Kaufmann

Supporting Chair

Julian Kaufmann

Supporting Chair
Julian is a senior living in the Undergraduate Community in Fischer (UCF), but was formerly in Morrissey. He is originally from West Lafayette, Indiana. He is an Honors Mathematics and Aerospace Engineering major. He tutors in the Math Bunker and serves as a grader for the math department. In his free time, he plays cello for the Notre Dame Symphony Orchestra, volunteers with Math Circles, plays racquet sports and games with his friends, and is involved in research. He plans to pursue a PhD in Mathematics.

Ryan Murray

Supporting Chair

Ryan Murray

Supporting Chair

Grace Markovich

Supporting Chair

Grace Markovich

Supporting Chair
Grace is a senior studying Chemical Engineering with a minor in Engineering Corporate Practice from Houston, Texas. She was apart of FYEC freshman year as the Secretary, and has served as the Junior Director of Social Media as well as a Supporting Chair on ELC. Grace has spent the past summers interning at bp and Engineering Tomorrow, and studied abroad in London through the Summer Engineering Study Abroad Program. Outside of engineering, Grace is the President of Texas Club, a Social Chair of Club Swim, and she was the Vice President of Flaherty Hall last year.